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We offer assessment and treatment for a variety of conditions including:

·       Sensory Processing Disorder

·       Developmental Delays

·       Gross and Fine-Motor Difficulties

·       Executive Functioning

·       Autism Spectrum Disorder

·       Dyspraxia

·       Visual Perceptual Difficulties

·       Learning Difficulties

·       ADD/ADHD

What these may look like:

·       Difficulties progressing from one developmental stage to another (E.g. Crawling to walking)

·       Movement and Coordination – reduced muscle strength, balance skills, ball skills and hand-eye coordination

·       Poor planning and organisational skills at home or school

·       Self-Care – difficulties in dressing, toileting and feeding

·       Sensory Processing and Modulation Disorders – sensory seeking behaviour versus sensitivity to touch/sound

·       Fine-Motor Skills –manipulating the hands for functional use (buttoning, shoelaces, handwriting, colouring, cutting etc)

·       Visual-Motor and Perceptual – difficulties reading, writing, spatially organising work on the page

Child In Speech Therapy

Assessments help to direct future intervention.


A thorough history or intake interview is carried out prior to assessing your child to help us gain insight into their presenting problems and to determine the type of assessment tool used. 


We can then devise specific therapy goals for your child based on the outcome of the assessment.


We offer both individual and group therapy sessions ranging from 30 to 60 minutes depending on the needs of your child.


We specialise in sensory processing difficulties, and our space offers a fully equipped sensory gym with a separate fine-motor/perceptual room.


We also make use of the functional outdoor jungle gym to encourage gross-motor development. 


At OT in Motion we value our role in educating others.


We regularly run workshops at schools and meet with teachers and parents with the aim to empower and educate.


Please contact us should you be interested in more information. 

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